Friday mystery object #23 answer

I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas, apologies for the late posting of the answer to Christmas Friday’s mystery object, but better late than never. I must admit that this was a bit of a cheat, because I have posted one of these before, but this time it had antlers and it was gift wrapped:

Without antlers it proved tricky before, but this time only a few of you got to see it at all (I assume due to Christmas). Jim is the only one to have identified it this time, although KateKatV took this opportunity to remind me about a bit of silly season science from a few years ago – something that might merit a blogpost all to itself…

With no further ado, here is the unwrapped object:

This is a Continue reading

Friday mystery object #23

It’s Friday again, but this Friday is a bit different to most since it’s Christmas Day, so a hearty Merry Christmas to you all!

Just because it’s Christmas I see no reason to miss a mystery object, although this one is a bit more festive than usual:

Can you tell what’s under the wrapping paper?

As usual, pop your answers and any questions below in the comments section and I will endeavour to provide clues if they’re needed.

Merry Christmas!

Friday mystery object #22

It’s a snowy Friday here in London, the Horniman is looking otherworldly – in fact, here’s what it looks like from my office window:

The view from my office

But this brings us no closer to a mystery object. I was thinking of giving you an animal track in the snow, but that would be very limiting, since I only have photos of cat, fox and squirrel – all of which are a bit too easy. Instead I present you with something utterly unfestive, but more of a challenge:

Skull length approx. 30cm (12")

Skull length approx. 30cm (12")

I had to identify this a couple of weeks ago, so it is genuinely a mystery object, although I’m pretty sure I’ve worked out what it is – now it’s your turn!

Answers below in the comments section – I will offer feedback and answer questions where possible. Good luck!

Friday mystery object #21

This Friday I’ve decided to give you something alive and without any bones, for a change:

So two three questions this week, what is this massive mollusc, what does it eat and do you think it can fit all that body into its shell?

Feel free to ask questions in the comments section below – and for those of you with a good knowledge of marine invertebrates I may have to white-out your answers if you get them correct too quickly.

Best of luck!